A man was driving through the countryside


A man was driving through the countryside when he saw a sign that said "Talking Dog for Sale." Intrigued, he stopped and knocked on the door. 

The owner greeted him and directed him to the backyard, where the dog was lying in the shade. The man approached the dog and asked, "Can you really talk?"

"Yep," the dog replied.

Amazed, the man asked, "What's your story?"

The dog sighed and began, "Well, I discovered my ability to talk when I was young. I wanted to help my country, so I joined the CIA. They used me to eavesdrop on top-secret conversations. No one ever suspected a dog. I was sent around the world on covert missions, gathering valuable intelligence. After a few years, I retired and went to work at the airport, helping detect hidden contraband. Eventually, I decided to settle down, got married, and had a litter of puppies. Now I'm just enjoying my retirement."

The man was astonished and asked the owner how much he wanted for the dog.

"Ten dollars," the owner said.

"Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why so cheap?"

The owner shrugged and replied, "He's a liar. He didn't do any of that stuff."

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