Loud speaker


If you are arguing loudly on your phone in public. Please put it on loud speaker. I need to hear both sides of the story!

I know, I am that person. Yes, I am nosey and I really don’t care. I love to people watch and love to try and figure out what people are doing as they go about there day. However it is really good for passing the time and I can make litle scenerios up in my head.

The thing that I really love is hearing people on the phone. As you can only imagine what it being said on the other end. But I’m being for real. It is so annoying hearing someone having an arguement and only getting to hear one side. So please if you are loud enough that I can hear you arguing in public you may as well put it on loud speaker. We need to hear both sides. That helps us figure out whos in the right and whos in the wrong. Plus I love hearing good comebacks or the sass from the other person. This is all light hearted fun, it’s not my business.

 But it sure would be fun if this was a rule in life.

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