Old age comes at a bad time.


Old age comes at a bad time, You finally know everything just in time to forget it.

This couldn’t be more true. If only I knew what I know now back when I was younger. Life has strange ways. I guess it’s just that way, so we can be tested and learn valuable lessons. But it would have saved a lot of confusion/pain along the way if I was equipped with the knowledge I have now. I guess every path in life teaches us things, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without those lessons.

You get to the age when you have seen and done it all. You finally get life figured out, then you forget it all. But the cycle of life goes on. No matter how much you try and give advice to the youth, they need to learn from there own mistakes to grow into knowledgeable adults. Then when the old age comes around and the time will come where they are ready to pass on the knowledge before they forget it all.

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