Guy Is Shocked At How Much His Girlfriend Earns, Wants Her To Pay Half Of His Mortgage After Moving In


Even relationships that look like they’ve got a solid foundation can start to rock like a ship in a storm when it comes time to discuss finances. Money is a very touchy subject. And people can have very strange reactions when they learn that you earn more than them. They might, for instance, decide that it’s time you started paying for half of their mortgage.

That’s exactly what happened to redditor u/BusinessSubstantial7, a social media manager. Her doctor boyfriend was shocked to learn that she earns 150% more than he does. And she works much shorter hours, too. That’s when he decided that she should be pitching in and paying for his mortgage. However, she refused, but then turned to the AITA subreddit to hear their advice. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that she doesn’t contribute in other ways.

Internet users reacted very differently when they read the post. Some thought the woman was right to refuse her boyfriend’s request. However, others thought that she should do more to help out financially. Have a read through the redditor’s post and share your thoughts in the comments. Do you think that the woman should have paid half the mortgage or did she do the right thing by sticking to her principles? Let us know.

Financial expert Sam Dogen, the author of ‘Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom,’ shared some of his thoughts with Bored Panda on pitching in financially when you’re in a long-term relationship.

“In an equal relationship, the contribution to expenses should be pro-rated based on how much each person earns. For example, if one person earns $200,000 and the other person earns $50,000, then the higher-income person should pay 80% of the expenses,” he said. “However, in this case, if the mortgage is in his name and he owns the property, there’s no reason for the girlfriend to pay more than half. She doesn’t get any of the equity upside

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